Posted in Relevant, Thumbs Up

Its all Dental: The Formula is working


Sam fan Thomas the Cameronian marooner musically speaking belted some wonderful tunes. In one of his Makossa style songs he praises one with a wonderful smile. In my own Luhya opinion, a beautiful smile has to preview a wonderful set of teeth. The lips unveil them just a bit to invite a welcome, invoke appreciation or a courteous beckon even a fitting acknowledgement. Samba Mapangala of the Loketo fame was more direct in his “vunja mifupa kama meno bado iko” song. In his overture he intends that life has to be enjoyed. To him this can be done when one has strong set of teeth and appetite. This then follows that teeth are important for our existence as we have to chew food and life at the same time. I know poetically speaking having teeth could also mean being strong, brave and bullish. I dare add that when one has a strong set of teeth their confidence could be more than average.

My dental check up visits over the years have been few and far apart. Doctor Ojwang’s stern face and loud commanding voice could not allow many to enjoy a visit to his clinic in Dandora phase three. The pale look of his patients in those cold white wooden benches did not offer any encouragement either. The screams of grown men sent chilling shudders in one’s spine. You see in late eighties, health technology in our country was basic. Anaesthesia was not as potent and you could hear Dr. Ojwang commanding his patients “kaa ngumu nani!” this would then follow with “fungua mdomo vizuri! Susan shika hiyo mikono yake sawa sawa” this would be followed by loud helpless screams. I tell you many patients ran out and others instantly realized their toothaches could wait. To make matters worse the nurse would give you salty water to gaggle then add some to the affected area before padding it with cotton wool for you to bite hard for thirty minutes. The instruction would be given in a firm voice. You can imagine the sour faces in the waiting area that met you when you visited. You could not dare leave until they affirmed that the bleeding had stopped.

From this experience I willingly obliged whenever a loose tooth needed to be pulled out at home. I even became my own dentist to avoid my mum’s firm grip and her swift pulling out technique. She had this family health and hygiene book that had illustrations and was an easy read. She would religiously read it just like her bible. She would then become a doctor and nurse upon our return from school. She would check our noses, tongue, hands, skin, teeth and even our scalp with magnifying precision. When she would find fight bruises, we would be disciplined for them then the hot water massage would ensue.

The pain of a toothache reverberates through the entire body starting with the head thus cannot be ignored. Many people try home remedies and self-medicate as they fancy not a visit to the dentist. The agony of such visits is not only excruciating physically but does drain the pocket too. Unlike days gone, many dentist clinics are now parlors. You will be offered strong pain killers, choose your read from well stacked magazines, journals and the like. There is an offer of water, tea, coffee, cake even a mint for fresh breath. Many a procedure will require an x-ray of your teeth, strong anaesthesia and delicate expensive treatment. The dentist chairs are not hard and plain but cushy and comfy. They offer light blocking goggles, mouth braces and a soothing mouth wash not salty water after.

I like today’s dentist clinics they leave no trauma in children. Paediatric dentists have become creative and offer smiley faces, balloons and toys to kids and thus make it easy for them to consult on them. Whereas the extras come at a cost and make the visits longer than should be but they are worth it in the long run.

This is year has brought so many changes to our lives that the normal dental checkup was not a priority. Until I felt a pain that home remedies could not cure. Overtime I have come to know chewing mint leaves relieves pain, cinnamon powder alleviates tooth decay and we may have all tried the charcoal with bicarbonate whitening trick. This particular tooth discomfort was not responding to my regiment of home remedies. It was stubborn not so painful but it was there. I did not want to go to a dentist clinic and take literally the whole day so I started making inquiries. With the corona pandemic it would be foolish to want to hang around a health facility for long. I wanted a place that would take the shortest time possible.

My inquiries led me to Taiba Dental Unit. The person who referred them to me mentioned how this facility has lean processes that lead to an efficient turn-around. I made my way to their clinic next to  Parkroad Mosque around about 8 am last Friday the 7th of August 2020. The four flight of stairs led me to their second floor abode. I was welcomed with an airy waiting bay and an impressive short queue. I quickly registered with the nurse at the reception. She gave me a card and advised to wait for my call. In under ten minutes I was called, my vitals were taken as per policy and Dr. Mahbubur diagnosed me from my explanation as he checked the pain area. I was ushered back to the waiting bay and told that the nurse would guide me. Within five minutes the nurse called and told me to pay for the expected service and no sooner had I paid than my name was called by another nurse. She did take me to the last cubicle of the dual row of four. As I sat on the cushy and comfy dentist chair similar to the one I sat on when they were checking me out, Dr. Dan introduced himself and explained what he was going to do. He explained that I had an attrition on the fourth upper tooth on my right jaw. Seems I have been going hard against the grain instead of the circular motion required. Pardon me as I ascribe to the “muosho mmoja na sugua kabisa” clean adherents.

He commended me on the clean teeth as he advised on using the right technique to brush. He noted that the attrition from my tooth was as a result of hard brushing sequence. The filling he performed took less than five minutes. He then quickly bid me goodbye and I had to leave even though I would have loved to engage him a little more. Taiba Dental Clinic have perfected the art of lean processes and thus achieved efficiency. I have never had a shorter more affordable dental checkup and treatment before. I counted slightly over twenty people that had been served in the short time that I was in the clinic. All within forty minutes – I was on my way back home, treated and affordably so!

Kudos to Dr. Mahbubur Khan and his entire team for making dental health care swift and within reach of the community they serve. Enjoy life and chew every good acceptable right thing but first work on having strong teeth. Start today to care for your teeth and general oral health.


Picture courtesy of

Posted in Technology

Let Thy Legs be Thy Walk

We are in a race of life. We find ourselves racing against time. Sometimes we are caught up in the race that we miss the beauty of life. Life is funny and treacherously interesting. What we perceive often turns out to be different from what we expected. Seasons of life come and go at will and no amount of our cajoling or restraint can hold life still. The harsh reality of our insecurities, disasters, pandemics, wars and all that is anti-life becomes our pre-occupation. We work hard and smart to create distance between ourselves and lack. We exercise as we eat healthy to beat lifestyle conditions and diseases. We continuously are working towards something or out of something. Life in itself is not satisfying. Our backgrounds, education or lack of it shape most of our adult lives which in many cases are lived as a race.

Yesterday, the second of August, I took an evening walk. I chose a route way before hand and planned for forty five to an hour brisk walk. I even chose my workout clothes and shoes factoring the chilly breeze of a fading out cold July. My warm up was a five minute simple dance routine that involves repetitive body rotations and stretch sequences. Over the last seventy six days I have done nothing much in terms of exercise; other than stretching, the twenty five daily press up challenge and the calculated steps into and out of buildings. With a healing ankle ligament and sole tissue acquired from my golfing stunts, I am living healthy. Dr. Vladimir Shchukin is categorical about rest and I rely on his advise seriously as I once did not heed it and had to take rest longer than was necessary.

Rest is luxury. Needless to say our race humanly speaking waits for no one. That may explain why it is hard to prefect politics. When our president advises that we focus on development, the politics race to outdo each other in seducing Wanjiku, Moraa, Wanjala and Ahmed will always shape our conversations. Rest cannot be cheap and definitely never be peaceful when lifes’ issues are pressing. We live but as we do bills have a way of tagging unto us. Rest in itself is therefore a bill to be paid. No vacation is free. Even if it sounds so, work has to be put in or will be put in to cater for it. This will be paid for by yourself or by another as the bill has to be met whichever the case. So I would be lying to say that I have rested hundred percent since the good doctor gave his advice. I admit doing restful things and reducing on strenuous activities. This argument qualifies my intentions to rest but also affirms the need for yesterdays walk.

I had a little chat with my neighbors and the evening guard as I stepped out of the gate. I picked a pace that was quick but not so fast and got into the rhythm of it. Normally, it is hard to clear your head in the first few minutes into a walk as your thoughts cache memory are fully queued for processing. The sidewalk was busy with people out for their walks, many rushing to go somewhere and others on different errands. As I crossed a lane, my ears picked a rush of steps. Not too loud but squashy and fast. Before I could turn around to check, a lady in a black long skirt, black fleece jacket, dusty sneakers and donning a black backpack swooshed past me. She had quite a pace in her stride. Subconsciously, I quickened my steps and tried to catch up. As I did this, I remembered our Luyeshe Primary School days. The school was about seven kilometres from my grandmother’s house. So naturally to be in good time after doing our morning chores, we had to run all the way. In the evenings, we walked yes but we had a quick pace that became second nature. Joseph Shaviya, his younger sister, John Lukulala, Sifuma Sitati, Vincent Kasembeli, Angatia Kuranya and Nyayo Mutali formed our evening walking club.

We would make fun of each other, imitate teachers and play mischief as we walked home. Shaviya was the fastest in “khukunya” as we referred to it in Kabras. He would hold his bag at an angle theta and saunter away. Making huge steps that seemed to increase in pace as he went along. We made fun of this and by doing so we caught on the walking style. As I watched the lady infront of me she had a similar gait. I tried to catch up in vain. When I realised this I smiled behind my face mask and kept my pace. Some mornings, when we were early we would walk and not run, but then the walk always felt like a mid run. This sometimes would end up as a sprint if we heard a bicycle rattle behind us. Even if you were early it was a crime for the teacher to get into school before you. In an effort to enjoy most of our walk we would prefer “khukunya” so that we don’t sprint.

The lady in black with a black bag and sneakers knew “khukunya”. And she did it almost effortlessly as I could remember of our days in Luyeshe. She branched off to another road as I continued on my route. I soon approached an old man in a grey tracksuit, a bowler hat and a walking cane. I greeted him as I swooshed past him. I am cognizant of the fact that his age is in my pursuit and his slow pace will be my average not long from today. On the other side in an open field, children of mixed ages played football. Kicking, running after the ball and shouting to their paired team mates. Theirs was a different race. At the moment they are chasing their studies and just like the ball they were kicking; it is not easy. They will have to learn to dribble the ball between their legs as they run. Be flexible enough to turn in full flight and swift to charge at the keeper without getting hit by competition. They have to learn to complain less after being faulted, cry foul to stop an impending attack and play smart to avoid unnecessary injuries. Anyways, my walk continued and all the while keeping my eyes alert and adjusting the spring in my legs according to the terrain. Jumping, hopping and even stopping as the walk progressed.

As I walked downhill I met a gentleman panting his way up and you could tell he has weight goals to achieve. His determination seemed unstoppable and he looked familiar probably I have seen him more than once at Jaffery’s Arena. I gave him a thumbs up sign and he nodded at me in encouragement and acknowledgement. I took a turn and now my walk turned uphill along Milimani road (now Kikwete Road). The deep drainage seemed cleaner, I could not ascribe that as Major Mohamed’s doing or Governor Sonko’s. There was a lady washing her untensils (a 2kg can and some plastic plates) there was another container beside her full of almost burnt cassava. She was focussed on her race oblivious to anyone.  Opposite Integrity center the taxi men were chatting besides their tools of trade hoping some customer would waltz into their direction. Near Sagret Hotel I acknowledged the old man with a walking cane I had seen earlier. He was on phone but he nodded at me and not even the face masks we had one could stop the smile that showed in our eyes.

As I approached home, I was happy now to see familiar faces, familiar cars on the road and a familiar turn along my path. I know my pace changed all through the walk. I slowed down but picked it up again. I had to adjust my steps to the terrain and other road users. I had to keep alert for the days are tricky. Above all I enjoyed the walk, the sights, the people, the cooling breeze hitting my face and frame and the route with all its twists and turns finally routed me home. The walk was mine, the pace was mine and no matter other peoples routine; mine was planned different, timed different and with a different destination. Yes we are in a race but not in competition with anyone. I arrived just as the old man and the lady in black. We all were walking in different paces, styles and to different places. Let thy legs be thy walk.

Picture courtesy of:

Photo by Alexander London on Unsplash


Posted in Thumbs Up

Fare thee well Mwalimu Ngaira

On the 9th of July 2020 morning I got sad news via text messages from three former classmates at Luyeshe Primary School in Malava, Kakamega county. The message declared our dear teacher Mr. Ngaira wa Lihungu had passed on. A teacher of English, geography and Christian Religious Education. He doubled up as a football and volley ball coach. He was also the library teacher during our time. He never missed a chance to remind us of our roots and always wanted us to master our lineage genealogy up to five generations. He expected his students to be fluent and competent in their native language just as well as in English. He required us to share cultural idioms, grammar and similes. Mr. Ngaira had a stern sobering voice that sent chills whenever he gave orders to his students. He was a towering symbol of obedience and a firm believer of order. Looking at him in the eye was an offence in itself and answering him in broken English was a punishable crime. He would ask many questions in quick succession and expect prompt intelligent answers on the fly. If you failed in his daily early morning dictation quizzes then your morning would be lit up by a burning bottom.

Mr. Ngaira was my relative but that did not come with any favours. In fact, it had a punishment multiplying effect if you were found in a wanting position of fault. Together with my cousin Sifuma Sitati we had transferred from Tom Mboya primary School, Nairobi to Luyeshe and he made it clear to us that he would shape us into model citizens. He was our mother’s uncle and as our grandfather we thought he would be dotting on us. Far from it, the sight of his athletic frame on his bicycle always made us jump into flight. He would pick on us as a commander mounting a guard of honor. He would check your hair, your nails, your feet or shoes whatever the case, your shirt had to be tucked in and even your breath. Any fault would mean trouble and heavy corporal punishment or otherwise. He would even punish you for resting in a funny way.

One time our colleague Shitemi was canned thoroughly for having busaa breath and remnants in his mouth. Shitemi had a six figure stature but wept like a baby and was no match to Mwalimu Ngaira’s firm grip as he whacked his buttocks. The poor guy had sour porridge for his breakfast and no attempt to explain to the good Mwalimu bore fruit. The fact that he tried to explain made things worse for him. Our Mwalimu was a busaa connoisseur and as such could not allow Shitemi to discredit his renowned prowess.

Mr. Ngaira wa Lihungu was a great man, he stood firm for his belief of order, culture and our acquired way of living. He appraised our grooming so severely that it has become second nature to us. One time he met our classmate Enock who was escorting livestock to Matete’s animal auction with his shirt untucked and the encounter did not end well. To date Enock who is a successful livestock businessman “mchurusi”  as we call them in our community dresses sharply and his shirt is always tucked in. His persistence of proper diction and language proficiency made me enjoy learning and today I speak fluent Kabras and English. His coaching sharpened his students so that our debating club was a force to reckon with in the larger Malava area. We won against Shirugu, Malekha, Burundu, Samitsi, Mavusi, Tande, Kivaywa and many other schools. Personally, I went ahead to win the Oxford Press Essay competition, Macmillan Public Speaking competition in western Kenya that was held in Kisumu and scored an A in English. He demanded discipline from us and did not relent in making this known. In 2017 I met him in Mahusi and he did not fail to point out areas that he wanted me to polish on my oratory skills during the parliamentary campaigns.

So long our tough kuka, so long our dear Mwalimu, Fare the well Mr. Ngaira wa Lihungu se Masia se Mambuya Se Mmtovo.


Picture courtesy of

Posted in Challenges, Need Intervention, Relevant, Technology

The New Normal: Covid-19 Carry Forwards

We have been dealt a blow in our diverse ways and means as a people of the universe by this pandemic. We may cry foul and whine all we want but that is life’s curve ball thrown at us. We have a duty for our own posterity to do what it takes to mitigate, control, alleviate and extinguish the adverse effects of the corona virus in this time and age. As a pragmatist we have to look at the new normal going forward. This is a preview of the main feature that we yet do not know when it will open up in our world theatre stage. So as such we have to prepare and inculcate lessons learnt and good practices acquired long before and during this period. I agree with many clean freaks now that there can never be too much cleaning or sanitizing or even disinfecting of ourselves, surfaces, items and spaces around us. Truly cleanliness is divine and since it is next to godliness then no disease survives when we pursue cleanliness.

I believe strongly going forward the following need to be our new normal as responsible citizens of the world.

  1. All airports, border points and passenger terminals require disinfecting stations – medical checks booths and quarantine protocols of any disturbing discovered vitals for passengers. There should be no exceptions.
  2. Sanitation points should be mandatory for public space, restaurants, food courts, sporting facilities, religious spaces and learning institutions.
  3. Personal Hygiene policies should be adopted into laws and by all entities to safeguard those that patronize their premises. The distance of 1.5m or 2m between queues is a great gain of order and safeguarding each person’s hygiene. It would be a natural antidote to pickpockets. Anyone who is unwell should have a facial mask of N95 standards – this would end the cold and flu outbreaks we witness every other season. People that have a cough or sneeze should be held responsible if they infect others when they do not protect themselves by regularly sanitizing and wearing of a facial mask.
  4. Embrace Digital transformation in how we work, relate and socialize. We can save a lot by using technology. Many meetings that would have ended up in a long trip that deprives families of their loved ones time can be done online and leave travel for the most critical and confidential ones. Let travel be about holidays.
  5. Have regular disinfecting programs for public and private spaces. This will help deal with the clutter, garbage and sewage problem that burdens our societies. They are the source of many diseases.
  6. Regularly review our business continuity plans as governments, government related organizations, religious organizations, learning institutions and private institutions including families. Each government (main or regional) and other public and private organizations need to have dire measures protocols they can enact in combating issues of great disruption like this pandemic. This means governments need to create incentives for the populace to save and invest but more keenly develop resiliency for at least one year lockdown eventualities. How can we be creative so that taxes are not seen as burden and as such have more people be capable and willing to pay them? How can we show value so that taxes generated end up doing more good to the people and thus enhance their resolve to support good governance? How can we individual be now intentional in building reserves for our families starting with a month’s provision then build to years of essential provisions? Can education be more affordable if we adopt technology? Can government and business be less expensive if we genuinely implement systems and use technology? I still don’t understand why we use email and cannot use the same technology for public participation and tenders submission in totality not partial enforcements.
  7. Leaders’ responsibility over their units of mandate need to go deeper. We have seen leadership from leaders once perceived as weak or non-discerning. While the eloquent and loud have been embarrassingly shooting their feet by queer non-stellar interventions that are a show of nothing short of foolishness. The reliefs governments and businesses have given people across the world should continue. The goodwill earned therein will catapult those countries and businesses even higher. The key word here being “implementation” many declarations will not see the light of day. But a day of reckoning is coming. The internet does not forget – many leaders will be quoted in days to come and held to account over the declaration of relief that will not have been implemented. Here in Kenya we have seen how election promises made in the high of campaigns are being replayed. The disdain and doubt now dealt on those that made their election promises is appalling. Let the relief declarations made in the wake of COVID-19 not be akin to unmet election promises.

By Lunani Joseph

The writer is a technology solutions architect and works with Insynque Solutions as the Managing Director and Lead Consultant. Pictures are courtesy of and Twitter handle @ThikaTowntoday

Posted in Relevant

The Fare Scam

The Fare Scam

Shuttle Bus2

The sum of all the fares some guys have sent and the girls still didn’t show up would make the loss ya our Learned Friend a drop in the ocean. Imagine there is a Truphena (read plain Jane) who waits for this guy to just say “ngwee”but amekulishwa blue ticks all through. This has just given her hope I tell you #WajingaSisi

Nasijasema fare kukulwa na akina Shiro wa Naikuru! And she pretended to be a crush – when she saw you were in Kisumu(the days you post upon landing) akasema she is ready to kuja fio fio kumbe wacha tu. Kidogo kidogo she tells you “swirry aki fare ya shuttle imepandishwa I only had 500reds wanasema ni thao. What do I do?” That is when you swallow mzima mzima and the fisi in you opens all eyes and your tongue is now salivating kidoggy. Remember- she has just posted on her IG and FB that she is traveling to the Lakeside complete with a jaw dropping dress. Posing behind the shuttle. Sema kukill all the vybe you had developed with the local Adhiambo cianda. Juu umeona minchi minchi rangi ya thao. So instead of the thao she asked, you send 5Gs ndio ajue pesa otas. She calls immediately to say thank you and she can’t wait to see you in two hours. Then you wait – you order for a botro of Jamie.  You turn down your boys invite to Sloan saying clubbing findu shi  Hahahahaha you laugh at the couple at the corner of the restaurant telling yourself kimoyomoyo “eee watanitambua wakiona my beautiful minchi minchi ehe ngoja tu!” Kidogo kidogo she texts approaching Kericho beb. You are now sold. You high five the waiter for no reason insanely smiling. You have already pictured the tu stylo you are going to do. Kwanza you imagine suguaing the kathing on the sofa in the business executive room you have booked at the Sovereign Suites weee. You change your status pic to your best smile of the day with the caption “counting my blessings”. She then likes your pic with a comment – “amen and me too”. You are over the moon – you call your boys and tell them wasipitie coz something just came up. You call your taxi guy Oti and ask him to safisha his mots as u will need him to pick someone. You even ask him to come for one drink on you ndio asipate biz iingine. You order for some njugu to increase power au sivyo mtu nguyas.  She texts “We are now at Awasi but my phone is almost going off”. You quickly text her directions and Otis’s number plate and where he will be waiting at the shuttle stage. Her phone is off but you are strong even a hard on is rocking your trousers. The nyeuthi fisi in you is already in cloud nine. The 45mins that had remained to her arrival becomes 2hrs. Oti is now pissed waiting. You now even head to the shuttle stage in anxiety. That’s when you realize she didn’t even text you the number plate of her ride. True caller notifies you her name is not Shiro but Kinya! You can’t believe it.

You try calling her with Otis’s number just to confirm you are not blocked. Same result- tururu mteja wa nambari…. you get pissed at the voice over Safaricom lady. Your eyes are now shifty and teary….. na makwapa are wet in exasperation – hands wet in desperation. Your bouncy step is now a draggy wobbly affair. Your tongue is almost dry and you swallow hard – painfully ofcourse. Oti now demands 2Gs for keeping him waiting for nothing. Your mind reels in flashbacks. You remember when you first chatted and became friends on socio media. Since you booked the room double and lazima itumike you call Adhiambo the local acquaintance. She now has attitude since you had ignored her earlier. You quickly head to Sloan- where you find your boys too drunk to help and chicks have already paired up with tumundus. The only available ones are the “jalendas” meaning you can only hit without looking at the face and not respectable enough to take to Sovereign Suites. Mwanaume ni effort; you encourage yourself and become a “hongo” eyes darting here there for the paired ones since you know iko jamaa atalewa kupindukia. It’s now 2am and time is of essence and you have a flight the next day in the afternoon you engage full gear fisi tactics. To quicken matters you entice your target with drinks – luckily her pair is snoozing comfortably on the chair. He had invested in her taxi there, food, drinks and fun – you chomesha his bet like Arsenal using the sponyos trick of letting her ask for anything. You even allow her to keep your wallet with your cards and your Patek Phillipe watch that cost a Ka floti in Ukambani. Lying to her that you don’t trust the guys around hahahah She ingias box and she volunteers to accompany you only for a drink then she leaves. You two know too well the drink in question will turn out to be a  bed ride and a request for a little “favour” in the morning. But now what is – you care less as you confirm the three pack in your pocket is intact. And swear that’s the last time you will ever send fare – you lie to yourself. Patting yourself for scoring after a gruesome foiled attempt but recovered a chase umecheza ki-Man U. On the other hand your brother wakes up in his room – he curses for sleeping on the job. Calls the kayeng-she lies about something. Since he is staying another day – she volunteers to join him in the room. He is delighted and sends cab fare. She is over the moon as she now has 6Gs. 5k that you gave her and 1k that he has now sent. Huku wewe umeland back na deni ya tala, branch, mshwari, KCB Mpesa etc. She jumps on a boda- gets there in 12mins for a red. She asks for some drinks – he orders in. The next day she bids him bye after kupigishwa nduru ya mg. Without being prompted your brother gifts her more cab fare and a thank you in the form of “hii ni ya airtime” with a tight hug. Hii mambo ni ngumu as Sautisol sang  – Pombe sigara….lakini hawa wasichana tunawapenda …. till the next fare is eaten teren teren

Posted in Challenges, Need Intervention, Technology

Memory Refresh: Solving Nairobi Traffic

Good Morning Your Excellency Governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko,

We are grateful that you have lifted the ban. I am sure your intentions for signing the bill into law was informed by the need to make Nairobi a great, clean and traffic fluid city. I hope you remember the days of Kenya Bus Services. In your deliberations with other stakeholders, you could consider those long routes that used to cut across our city. You can also consider having a time based traffic management policy for the routes.

KBS 34

Here is what I mean. We had no 52 – that would start from Dandora and go all the way to Ngong, We had no 42a&b that would start in Dandora into town via Juja Road then proceed to Ayany. There were many other like no 17b that would start from Kasarani bia Kayole and terminate in Karen etc. remember our Governor that they all had a time schedule with a bus leaving every 5 to 10mins. And the stage stops were also controlled between 2 to 5mins.

If this were to be implemented to cut across Kiambu, Kajiado, Machakos and other neighbouring counties your Excellency – we will create more opportunities for traffic marshals to enforce time schedules – equip each sub-county terminus as we have done for the bus station in town (all terminus areas will have more business opportunities as spurred by human traffic) We will also create inspector jobs within the saccos which can be in shifts and covering every three to five stages to check tickets, seat beats,bus cleanliness, passenger manifest etc. Since the routes will be longer drivers and conductors will have shifts thus the need to have more of them.

Related image

This can be piloted with bus coaches that can carry more than 30 passengers to be effective and can slowly be accelerated into the BRT strategy so that higher passenger capacity buses are deployed to ply the routes. You will have helped traders and children who criss cross the city for trade and education. This will enhance traffic efficiency, spur an almost 24hour bus transit business thus boost the economy, will be easy to enforce safety for passengers and all citizens. I trust this among other considerations will help ease traffic within the city. #keeptrusting

Regards, Lunani Joseph

Lunani Joseph

Acknowledgement: KBS#34 Picture is from Webpage and the NEoplan 122 Seater Bus is from webpage.

Posted in Challenges, Need Intervention

No folly without a dolly

Historical studies almost prove that there is nothing new to this world. Yes, there is advancement in many areas around the human race but our actions more often than not follow patterns of yester years. Archaelogical studies confirm written history on religion, arts and science. I therefore hold as true what the writer of Ecclesiastes states that everything under the earth has been there before. Probably differing in form or spirit but bound together in many similarities.

This stamped authority to our forefathers warnings, admonitions, philosophy and proverbs. We need hind sight and insights from the past to chart better our course in the present and the future. Each one of us requires a compass and what better way than a North to refer to. Our north in socio-political, medical, technology, the arts and whatever else should always remain true.

It is possible many of us go on with our daily lives not knowing what our true north is. In the literal form this could be our principles, value system and reference virtues. Just like the geographical north, we require unchanging, tested and proven foundations to back our reference virtues.

Our clamour to understand the past then is justified and explains the millions spent in research of history in all our unique subjects. There has never been a time so crucial in the history of Kenya as a country as now. We need more understanding in how this country was founded. The intrigues behind the scenes pre-colonial, colonial and post colonial times. A critical look at how we lived as communities, how we governed ourselves before the “visitors” came and how we changed. For the “visitors” to have found virgin land then in a paradox found indigenous workers to staff and operationalise development in their knowledge is a good joke.

Far from the antics of the “visitors” to disorient and re-programme communities that were assumed primitive and savage living; Kenya is now a country bound by marked borders, disputed islands, one governance structure and a constitution assimilated at independence, amended over time and reviewed in the recent past. The drama in between this metamorphosis is still scarcely documented and we have side stories that we all enjoy to hear. Some laden with so much exaggeration, half truths and fictional effects that can rival Oscar awarded pieces.

Documented or not these stories are being told and sadly shape many minds into mediocrity, nepotism, tribalism and birth corruption seeds. “Wale walituibia; sisi tumenyanyaswa; kila mtu anajitetea ; mtu wetu ndio tunataka;” among other pseudo community phrases are free radio words in our present society. We may fault the government but its folly is a tapestry of our communal thoughts and actions. We  feed its engines with “our people” who in turn have ” their people”, who form inner circles for “their bidding” then we collectively expect to be “in benefit”. When names are thrown in the thresh-floor of appointing ears, we fall over ourselves in prediction spins and even the dramatic rumour milling to fervent prayer including professional lobbying.

We now have a “handshake” brokered peace among two debatable  kingpins of two factions of the country. Surprisingly none of them has complete authority over the said factions. This is evidenced in the JKIA runaway drama. It is good fodder for media houses and political banter but shamefully it is the undoing of Kenya. Behind the scenes we have disconnected and disenfranchised handlers of the dolly and thus the folly.

May peace prevail, may rights be honoured, may our governance be in harmony, may our peoples behave and may we see Kenya rise. God bless Kenya!


Posted in Need Intervention, Thumbs Up


We all have pursuits and quests we set for ourselves to achieve. More often than not what is important gets sucked up in clutter of priorities. It is always a joy when we spring back into focus and get things done as we had set out. That is why we have to continuously and jealously guard our focus by decluttering.


The Heart – I once shared some stories in my life with a friend and she exclaimed that it seemed straight out of the movies. Normal people have incredible and amazing stories around their lives. The interesting parts consist of people, issues and how those are tackled. a good place to start to declutter is the heart. The heart controls the emotions and responses we have towards people. When we are angry we will detach, display aggression and even act in peculiar ways that show bad attitude, arrogance and somewhat barbaric. Shah Rukh Khan playing as Rahul in the movie Chennai Express holds unto the mantra “Do not underestimate the power of a common man”. I dare say “Do not under estimate the power of the heart of a common man”. Chennai Express is a movie full of colour not only in costumes and rich pictures but a story weaved out of love. Rahul’s grandfather passes on and he promises the family that he will scatter his ashes in the Rameshwaram river. He is bound to his vow and family honour to deliver the ashes as promised then his “heart” is caught up in a love fit that has to accommodate Meena (played by Deepika Padukone) and the drama in her life. How does he manage his “heart” to pursue Meena as well as keep his focus on scattering his grandfather’s ashes in the Rameshwaram?

Chennai Express            Chennai Express2

All of us have a purpose in life. We set out priorities and undeterred we achieve but heart-strings most of the time get into the way. There is no prescribed way of decluttering the heart. We have to purpose to keep what is important the focus and keep at bay any distractions.

The mind – having a purpose is one thing, getting it done is another. Our mind is a powerful tool that feeds off our heart. It then fuels our actions – determining the intensity of our moves, speed and puts together the steps of the call. We need our mind in the greatest shape. My friend Javas Bigambo – a Thought Leader in Governance, Democracy & Devolution ; quips “…To deny a brain sufficient supply of acquired vital information is the most atrocious of ills…” We need to exercise our mind and brain with the most vigorous of activities to get the best out of it. Read books, synthesize concepts, question things then draw points from them – it is politely said that when we use 30% of our brain then we become successful anything higher than that gives us the name “genius”. Is it possible to organize our thoughts to question, conceptualize, structure a methodology, draw contingencies, have an evaluation matrix to measure advances made.

Javas Bigambo

The Spirit – we are blessed in Kenya that we have had crash courses in Law and our constitution that it is commonplace to find citizens arguing using clauses and derivative law terms. We have had good learning instances when our constitution was overhauled and the draft & ensuing document was widely debated, shared and snippets presented over and over that we can comfortably quote them. Senior lawyers, analysts and pundits alike have been quoted using Latin expressions enshrined in law studies that amicus curiae, modus operandi, obiter dictum, res judicata, inter vires among others can be used in common banter in homes and friendly conversation. In law definition and interpretations are presented in full length of the weight in the words used but more so in “the spirit” thereof. Within us we have our true intent in every move we make. Sometimes we compromise a pawn to slay a castle. The true intent here being not giving away something but to gain substantially in the loss(investment in our eyes). When we align our spirit to our heart and mind then we empower our spirit. The spirit encourages and rejuvenates us. It is gives the assurance that we are on the right course. Many use their faith and beliefs to feed their spirit. A strong spirit is a strong will which is difficult to bend.

I wish you the very best in you quest to declutter and achieve more in your pursuits.

Pictures courtesy of:

  • Chennai Express adverts


Posted in Challenges, Need Intervention


Either of us can have him

He likes variety my dear

A well cooked meal

Though he stands your fast food tendencies

He is not stingy – just learn how to ask

Pamper him with encouragement

Admire him constantly, privately & publicly

He is genuine and true like Tuskys

Each side we have of him is unique

Let’s partner to make him even greater

Only then can he afford our combined asks

Carry your weight girl-surprise best gifts

Support his career & business

Don’t just consume what we created

I like how he coins names to call us

Yours is as different & meaning as mine

He is not ordinary – I wouldn’t have known

Had you not broken him in a surly wig

Waah!He buys you airtickets? I will take the bus

Come on, you found me here

Leave your pretense at the makeup table

I will not let you spoil the masterpiece

If you cannot enhance him-girl bounce

He will find another willing & bidding

After I nurse him with chocolate love

Silky nights and starry adventures

You are confused

To think your “nini” will keep him

A man feeds not only bread mami

Build him with words & treats

Be firm but not harsh

Whenever you deny him he will run to me

That is the beginning of your loss baby

He is not yours

Either of us can have him

Posted in Challenges


Neither is she mine

You see she yearns for new

She likes exotic things

Her simplicity is like Nakumatt

Aaaa you think I would not buy her things?

Please be advised, we dined and wined

Almost everyday she gave consent

She is generous you see

Frugal with passionate abandon

Don’t fight me

Let’s keep our lanes

You pay for what she wants

I will consent to what she asks of me

Sometimes I may choose pick a part of the ask

Ati Darling? She called me similar names

You were introduced to her family?

Brother, I almost paid “tsingombe”

Love to her is a mirage

She is broken and in rage

She will toy with your heart

Her tuning is so avid

That no beep will be mild

In want of fun or demand

Your tiding will be bid low

Bare minimum she will call it

Don’t run-she will run over you

You will be left stranded

High in love and low in confidence

Enjoy while it lasts-hold nothing

Expect no return

Just like ice cream lick to the last drop

Then when it runs out

Go out find another

She is not yours brother

Neither is she mine